Dr. Bruce Prescott


Bruce is a retired Baptist minister who served as executive director of Mainstream Oklahoma Baptists. He is also a retired educator who has taught at the University of Oklahoma, Southwestern Theological Seminary, Phillips Theological Seminary, public junior college, and public high school.

St. Isidore’s application makes clear that it plans to discriminate in admissions and employment. The government should never fund discrimination. No taxpayer-funded school should be allowed to turn away teachers or students because they are of the ‘wrong’ religion, or have a disability, or are involved in a same-sex relationship, or have a gender identity different than was assigned to them on a birth certificate, or simply become pregnant. Religious schools – like houses of worship – should be funded through voluntary contributions from their own membership, not money extracted involuntarily with state taxes from members of a religiously diverse community. Dr. Bruce Prescott, retired educator and retired Baptist minister
Congress needs to hear from you!

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The Do No Harm Act will help ensure that our laws are a shield to protect religious freedom and not used as a sword to harm others by undermining civil rights laws and denying access to health care.

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